Предложено на: 03.06.2014г. 23:32:14ч. Гласуване до: 10.06.2014г. 23:32:14ч. Ако това смятате, че е нормално отношение към потребители на мрежата, да не говорим за колектив...!?!?? -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - adminchita -Vik0/Wallops- OPERWALL - grafinqta tuka e tva giule? -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - tq ne e admin veche hahahaha -Vik0/Wallops- OPERWALL - e da ama e oper pri koko :D :D -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - oooo Grafinqta .. pradnq mazna pishi ma :P -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - tiho ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - lainar -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - q Valentin {} -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - {} -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ko staa -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - txm aide ako obichash bez obidi na operwall :) -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - of -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - prizrak -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - :D :D :D -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ai ako obichate -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - da se namalite -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - shefchetata tuka a -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - kwazimodo -Vik0/Wallops- OPERWALL - ahahahaahha are qjte laina weeeeeeee -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ot was ne moje -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - chowek da napishe -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - 2 putki maini -Vik0/Wallops- OPERWALL - a Grafinqta PRASE ALE ALE -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - lainari -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - putki -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - glisti -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - grafinqta swinq -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i kon w anusa ima -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - ne e taina, a fakt .. che Grafinqta e mazna intrigantka i debela svinq ... nqma obida v sluchaq :D -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - dowolen li si sq -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - shibanqk -Vik0/Wallops- OPERWALL - taka eee svinqqqqqqqqqq intrigantttttttt -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - ako i faktite pochnem da prenebregvame .... naprao da se grymnem vsichki -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ei wze mn da mi piswa ot washte -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - lainqrshtini -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - tuk ne pisi -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - tam ne killwai -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - pa onq me banwa -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - prez 10 dena -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - jupi serveri -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i prochie -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - samo az praa kakto trea -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - sipwam si wi -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i wi gleam kak se gazirate -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ni wi killwam -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ni wi pikaq w serverite -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ebahti piknqrite -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ebahti driskachite -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ebahti hadministratorite -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - da wzemete malko da izlezete nawynka -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - mamka wi pobesnqla -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - bezplatni djumerki za vsichki ! -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i da se ogledate che neta weche e .. -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - vij topica v #x-spot ve parahod -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - :) nemi se djaskai tuka na operwall :) govori mi v ochite :) ne tuka vyv virtualnoto prostranstvo :) -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - lainqrshtinata vi navsqkade v laina vi e hubavo da jiveete shtoto ste takiva urungeli kompleksirani i smazani ot jivota zlobari... -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - napylno obratnoto ... prosto si razpukame ve brat :D -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - da vi eba putkata maichina _)_ laina -txm/Wallops- OPERWALL - laina bol !!! :D -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ei poserko -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - koi beshe ti che pa da ti malcha ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - gorila -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - neska 2 metra chowek -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - mu sqkoh pytq -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ne mu malchah -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - che na teb li sha ti mylcha ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - smeshnik shashaf -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ei -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - :) vazirai s mneniata si u vas gi iskazvai na tatko si ili maikasi :) -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - mnogo si powqrwahte ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - zadklawiaturni plyhowe -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i ko kat sa mislish za babanka ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - tikwenik -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ne moa li da ti otwartq edno darwo -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - w kalpawata kratuna -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - dokat ma gledash strashno a -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - ela mi sine :) -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i posle da si goworim koi lainar -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - koi ne e -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - driskach -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ama az nqmam kqr -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - da se napywam pred takiwa -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - kordinati iskash li smel -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - stafidi -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - kat tebe ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - naakrai me da mlykna kakto az te karam -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - driskach -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - smeshnik -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - plyh -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - otrepka -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - mazna ciganka -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - brashlqn -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ai hodi da si praish chikii -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i ne mi gowori na mene za chat -prizrak/Wallops- OPERWALL - :) tova e samo tvoeto mnenie :) paliacho -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - i bitki -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - cirkadjiq -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ave ne me interesuwa na koi e mnenieto ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - swinski gyz -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - wijdam te kolko si umen -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ai samo da ne pishete gluposti -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ave eeei -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - da ne ste w parlamenta ve -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - slamki -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - q se useshtaite malko -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - polowinata serete tuka praite laina -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - s marmalad i konfitiur -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - nii sme wi kriwi -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - plyh takyw -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - hodi zaplashwai ot twoq kwartal -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - men ne me strqskash -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - slanina typa -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - ku shte da si borec -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - moe da ma fanesh za -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - huq -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - umrelqk -koko4akabebo/Wallops- OPERWALL - ai mlykvai be -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - tiho pak ti ve -koko4akabebo/Wallops- OPERWALL - chati si tam v kanalite -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - putardak -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - SHTE CHATQ -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - KYDETO SI POISKAM VE -Valentin/Wallops- OPERWALL - DRISLIO |